3 Agustus 2013

The chemicals that make your body store fats....

The chemicals that make your body store fats....

Chemicals in foods that make cellulite look worst and how to avoid them

In another article we mentioned 'chemicals' within our "tips to eliminate cellulite article" and we got some email questions on other chemicals and cellulite.

So, we have been sharing this tip to everyone - if you're wondering on the same thing...

There are so many packaged foods that have chemicals inside them - which for health purposes ought to be avoided - particularly when you're a girl (remember girls have delicate and sensitive hormone systems). Not only that these food types contain a lot of saturated and trans fats, which are some of the worst and lead to cellulite, they also contain a lot of sugars and carbs, which transform into body fat almost overnight if an individual doesn't consume them....through exercise.

Stay away of packaged foods - while they boost cellulite.....

Food additives and chemical sweeteners can negatively impact a woman's hormones. And also the hormones are accountable for skin tone, skin texture and firmness & shape. There's also an impact on body-fat and flab. This all is directly related to the appearance of cellulite for the lower body trouble-spots and troublesome areas...

So, you need to avoid as many food additives and chemicals as possible - and you may easily make this happen by choosing fresh & natural foods, by knowing which harmful ingredients to stay away when buying packaged foods.

Here are some ingredients to stay away
1 - Aspartame
2 - Acesulfame Potassium (ace-K, as-k)
3 - Sucralose
4 - MSG (monosodium glutamate)
You should also look for words like "stabilizer" and "conditioner" on any ingredient label you are reading.

Those are some of the top food-chemical enemies to stay away. Do you need to see more powerful recommendations on eliminating cellulite  fast and naturally ?  Then see this article:  . It's concerning the 5 aspects of removing your cellulite  and about the correct exercises that tone your muscles.... http://cellulitenomore.net/the-newest-exercises-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-fast/


And pass it around to all women you are friends with and who can also take advantage of it. They'll appreciate you for it :-)

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