13 September 2013

Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels

Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels


A decrease in testosterone levels is unpleasant news for any bodybuilder. Not only does this lower his sex drive but, worse still, low testosterone helps to increase body fat, leading to loss of muscle and increase in weight. These are all decidedly undesirable to anyone, especially muscle builders because they will be subjected to stagnation in muscle development, diminishing strength, meaning that they will become poor performers regarding weight training. However, this does not mean that you have to choose dangerous ways to enhance testosterone levels. Here are four safe ways to boost testosterone production.


Lose the Extra Weight


Do you realize that your body stores estrogen in your fat cells? This means that the more body fat a person has, the more estrogen he'll have . On the other hand the more estrogen in your body, the less testosterone you'll have.

Rather than searching for synthetic testosterone sources, work on shedding the excess body weight as a way to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body. On the other hand, choosing crash diets in order to reduce weight is still not a wise way to raise testosterone since your body will feel starved and cease producing testosterone.


Weight Training


Bodybuilders who engage in compound exercises do more than merely build muscle. Dead lifts, squats, power cleans, bench presses and military presses are exercises that drive your body to manufacture more testosterone. This is how to increase testosterone with weights. Then again, if you want to attain better testosterone release, try lifting at your upper limit. Use equipment that has enough weight to enable you to only do about 3 sets of five reps each with only one minute of rest between sets are the best for increasing testosterone levels safely. However, exercise care that you do not overdo them. Allow your muscles adequate rest (at least 24 hours between workout sessions) to avoid a decline in testosterone that may well be as much as 40%.


Take in More Monounsaturated Fat


Although you are training to shed excess body fat, make sure that you obtain 30% of the calories you consume from fat. The importance is that your body needs fat to generate testosterone. Try to ensure that you include monounsaturated fat in your diet. Research shows that bodybuilders who depend on a diet which includes monounsaturated fats are able to produce more testosterone in comparison with those who don’t. Sources of such fats include canola oil, olive oil, peanut butter and omega-3 fats or sea-food.


Use Natural Testosterone-Boosters


Complement your diet with  testosterone-boosting supplements that contain natural elements. Avoid products that contain dangerous steroids or chemicals. These are bad for your health and will result in problems in the future. Testofuel is a natural formula that contains eight key nutrients, including oyster extract, that will skyrocket your body's testosterone production and bring about impressive muscle growth in a relatively short time, with no negative effects. These are powerful ways to increase testosterone levels.

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