30 November 2013

The Potential Factors Triggering Nerve Damage

The Potential Factors Triggering Nerve Damage

Our nerve has a special role in our body because delivers signals from the brain to the various muscles, glands, and organs and delivers it back to the brain. Moreover, the organs, in which the nerve supplies signals, can be affected, as well as the communication with the brain, when the nerve is damaged. In more than 100 cases of peripheral nerve disorders, its symptoms can be different. affecting the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, media sources say.

The causes of nerve damage or injuries can occur through a variety of trauma and illness. Below are some of the common causes that can trigger nerve injuries:

  • Laceration
  • Focal contusion (gunshot wounds)
  • Stretch/traction injury
  • Compression
  • Drug injection injury
  • Electrical injury
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Motor neuron disease
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Infectious disease



Researchers considered that how severe the nerve pain is equal to the severity of the underlying disease. So in general, nerve pain tends to be worse as people get older. However, it is hard to sort out the causes of nerve pain. A series of lab test is required to a person to point out the cause since so many conditions can cause nerve pain. It may be essential for the patient to undergo comprehensive neurological test and possibly other tests, such as CT scans and MRIs. Other times, a skin or nerve biopsy is needed to examine the nerve endings.

Surgery is one of the treatment option for nerve damage. It aims to restore the function of the area by repairing the nerves. The surgeon will discuss to you treatment options for nerve repair and make treatment plan that is suitable for you, depending on the type and severity of the injury. (There is a popular minimally invasive surgery, known as robotic surgery, that is preferred by a number of people. ~Anyhow, people began to choose a minimally invasive surgery, known as robotic surgery, to treat illnesses. ~There is one minimally surgical treatment, called robotic surgery, that is used by a number of patients. }But there are allegations that the maker of device used in robotic surgery has failed to notify the public of its product dangerous side effects. Patients have become wary of the report of severe bleeding during robotic surgery. Patients who are planning to undergo da Vinci robotic surg ery should consult the doctor to know if da Vinci is right for you according to your particular needs, says FDA. References: orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00016 webmd.com/pain-management/treating-nerve-pain-caused-cancer-hiv?page=2 livestrong.com/article/200381-damaged-nerve-symptoms/ webmd.com/brain/nerve-pain-and-nerve-damage-symptoms-and-causes hopkinsmedicine.org/neurology_neurosurgery/specialty_areas/peripheral_nerve_surgery/conditions/nerve_injury.html

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