14 Desember 2013

2 Delicate intestinal micro-flora

2 Delicate intestinal micro-flora

Women experience firsthand, what cystitis is. Notably, a lot more than half those, once having handled cystitis, suffer from this torturing unpleasant disease repeatedly. In 90% of cases, bladder inflammation provokes intimate micro-flora dis-balance, when the amount of healthy lactose-bacteria living about the vaginal mucous membrane reduces drastically, and opportunistic flora starts growing (staphylococci, streptococci and coli-form bacteria). Thus &ldquoharmful&rdquo bacteria enter into the bladder and cause inflammation.

Perhaps timely and delay premature ejaculation pills of cystitis doesn&rsquot yield the actual required outcome instantly. Consequently cystitis causes intimate micro-flora dis-balance, which further provokes increasingly more diseases, both gynecological (coleitis, candidosis, vaginosis, uterine cervix inflammation) and urogenital (repeated cystitis or urethritis).

This vicious loop is just not really easy to get rid of, because any preferred technique of therapy is pointless, before the balance of micro-flora is restored, otherwise the condition can keep aggravating and lower to the majority of serious consequences, like infertility. The latest innovative product from the Vision company, called iCBerry, will help prevent dysbacteriosis and screw up cystitis once and forever.

About the Look-out for Female Health

The innovative product iCBerry includes a unique formula that also includes lactic acid bacteria&mdashLactobacilli acidophili (dominating microorganisms within the vaginal flora of the healthy woman) and cranberry extract. These two substances help support acid environment in the genitals and prevent spreading of opportunistic microorganisms, thus protecting female body from various diseases, i.e. cystitis, vaginitis and also uterine cervix inflammation.

Lactobacilli acidophili&mdashare bacteria, resistant to the acid environment, that helps them reach their target without losing wholesome features. However, these lactobacteria are extremely understanding of light, temperature and humidity growth. Active ingredients of iCBerry are sealed in the thick shell of rapeseed oil that allows preserve their useful properties. Rapeseed oil makes iCBerry formula steadier and protects sensitive Lactobacilli acidophili from temperature swings and humidity.

Typically the market can&rsquot boast of your steadier pro-biotic product formula. All ingredients of iCBerry are selected based on a principle of synergy, which allows enhance their action. Supplementary ingredients of iCBerry are ascorbic acid, selenium and zinc, that boost overall immunity and shield the urogenital system from inflammatory diseases. Whereas ascorbic acid also facilitates growing of beneficial micro-flora and helps maintain normal pH from the vagina.

ICberry is mandatory not merely as being a preventive remedy up against the urogenital diseases. It can be impressive as an ingredient with the complex treatment even though the total amount of microorganisms within the vagina has recently provoked inflammation, vaginitis or any other illnesses. Besides, iCBerry produces a double action: cranberry helps eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary tracts, and Lactobacilli adophili efficiently restore intimate micro-flora.

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